July 7 – Nothing Opaque About Summer Of Love Anthem

Happy birthday to Ringo Starr, who turns 82 today. We hope he’ll be having a happy day and perhaps taking it easy…because 82 or not, he’s back on the road this fall with an extensive tour set to play North American places as far-flung as Clearwater, Florida, Laval, Quebec and Mexico City! No surprise given the international adoration and respect the Beatles earned. Speaking of which, The Beatles were on top of their game this day in 1967.

Riding high on the album charts with Sgt.Pepper… they released the “Anthem of the Summer of Love” this day as standalone single. “All You Need Is Love” would go on to hit #1 in the UK, U.S., Canada and many other countries and become their 17th gold or platinum single in the States. The song had been premiered on TV in June as part of the ambitious Our World. That was an unprecedented six hour show taking place around the world and broadcast via satellite to over 20 nations. While things like Marshall McLuhan being interviewed in Toronto and subway construction taking place in Tokyo were interesting, The Beatles were the highlight to most and wrote the song especially for it. Due to the international nature of the show, they wanted something easy to understand and got it. As Brian Epstein says, “the nice thing about it is that it cannot be misinterpreted.” John Lennon had written the lyrics, saying “I’m a revolutionary artist. My art is dedicated to change.”

His hand-written lyrics were sold for 1 million pounds (about $1.75 million today) in 2005. Although it was only a single at the time, the song later found its way onto their Yellow Submarine soundtrack and Magical Mystery Tour in North America.

8 thoughts on “July 7 – Nothing Opaque About Summer Of Love Anthem

  1. Badfinger (Max)

    Ringo… is he a vampire? He hasn’t changed in the past 20 or so years. I saw him 10 years ago tonight…on his birthday at the Ryman…he brought out the brother in law…Joe Walsh.

    All You Need Is Love fit that era like a glove. George Martin deserves a lot of credit bringing in Green Sleeves and the French National Anthem.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Badfinger (Max)

        I believe we did yes…in fact…the concert I saw is on DVD because it was at the Ryman and I have it…I’ll have to go and check.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. They could not be beaten then. As a song for that event it was a song for the whole world Of its time, awash with all the hippy trippin- trappings, but poppy as Hell, AND with a chorus that you could sing along to after one listen, even if you only spoke Lithuanian. Instant classic.

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